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Environmental Forces, a Challenge for Manager.

Managers when go for decision making must have knowledge about threats and opportunities. They must ready to face any contingency and must know how to deal with. Some events are uncontrollable like storms; earthquake and weather etc. and some can be controlled like, demand and supply, by proper management.
Now, we are going to study the challenges faced by manager during planning by Environmental forces. Recall we studied in science about environment that anything other than system. So what is system? That we are system or our homes consider a system and other people that are outsider like our neighbors etc. are environment. Similarly we can say that within organization there is also a system and there is an environment outside. 
We can categorize the external environmental forces into following ways.
Political and Legal Environment.
Economic Environment.
Technological Environment.
Culture Forces.
Demographic Environment.
So, all the above discussed forces must be borne by manager in mind in planning or for decision making for organization.
 For example a manager of any company must make plans in according to government rules and policies like tax and contracts laws. And then in economic environment, he should know the purchasing power of customers and offer such like products that are affordable by consumers and to be careful of it effect on total sale of the organization.
 Technological Environmental forces are very changing and the organization must be careful and having know-how about new technology and if it competitors have latest technology then they will capture market shares so manager must be careful about it and it is also a challenge for him.
Culture forces are also a big challenge for manager in planning. Like an organization dealing in meat must know that slaughtering of cow in Indian areas is forbidden, and wine is forbidden in Muslim countries or English wear Jeans but others countries like Pakistani wears Shilwar Kameez etc. So, in decision making manager must be well aware of culture differences.
Suppose a seller wants to increase sale volume of its products so he will study the whole demography that is the study of the peoples. In which he will study population, male/female, age, income, education level and so forth. The manager will do this analysis by Market Segmentation means that he will divide total area into numbers of small units and after studying the needs and wants of the people he will reach at final point but by crossing through complex barriers.
Here we study external environmental forces there are also internal forces like Labours Unions, Employees conflicts, Prices of Raw material or other costs but it needn’t to explain and we all are well aware thereof.
In the end, we should say a manager must be fully aware of it surrounding that what is being done by its competitors or what will be, or what our customers want and who want and who does not. All these information can be collected by making Groups and Teams in the organization where the manager will serve team leader. It is also a separate topic of management and we need to make research by ourselves therein.


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